Springer Publishing

Wednesday 15 July 2015

Turning spiroketals into teddy bears

In Tim Burton's film The Nightmare Before Christmas, there is a scene where the Oogie Boogie Man, upon his demise, splits open at the seams and out spill thousands of worms. Besides taxidermy, the Oogie Boogie Man is the only thing I thought of when I saw this graphical abstract on Twitter:

What I did not think of was the amazing work a group of researchers put into the study involving elucidating spiroketal rearrangements (i.e. what I should have been thinking).

Okay, well I guess I thought about the researchers too. I was just a little bit confused by the graphic because I just couldn't picture the molecule undergoing some kind of "chemotaxidermy" (probably not related to chemotaxis).

Instead, what I saw was just a rearrangement. No inside-outs. 
So, I proceeded to create an alternative graphical summary which I feel captures the specifics of the molecular rearrangement shown in the image:

It can be any old appendage.

They called this the 11-14 rearrangement. What the rearrangement shows is more of a plush zombie teddy bear rather than skinside-out--which for teddy bears is not even plush. You gotta stay plush.
They also uncovered another novel rearrangement ("3-7") that goes a little bit like this:
And I of course have included my teddy bear interpretation of the rearrangement. Step 2 contains a lot of sewing of appendages. You can tweet me if you have any questions about my usage of teddy bear appendages.

There are a bunch more rearrangements which gives you the sense that they can do anything with these spiroketals. 

It's like they can even turn a teddy bear inside out.

Come to think of it, that's probably why they chose the image they did.

  1. Chris Lorenc, Dr. Josep SaurĂ­, Dr. Arvin Moser, Dr. Alexei V. Buevich, Dr. Antony J. Williams, Dr. R. Thomas Williamson, Dr. Gary E. Martin and Prof. Dr. Mark W. Peczuh, Turning Spiroketals Inside Out: A Rearrangement Triggered by an Enol Ether Epoxidation, Chemistry OPEN (2015) Wiley.  http://dx.doi.org/10.1002/open.201500122

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