Springer Publishing

Friday, 5 February 2016


Once again, we come to a graphical abstract feast!

They make it look so cubic and symmetric! Ladies and gentlemen: This is tetranitratoethane.

Graphical abstract: Tetranitratoethane

By the way, "tetranitratoethane" in Google Scholar only brings up this paper! No theoretical papers? Strange. What are some synonyms?

The crystal space group was P21/c, which is claimed to be orthorhombic in the paper, although it seems to be monoclinic everywhere else. The molecular point group looks like it could almost be S2n, but all I can see is maybe an inversion point.

An updated graphical abstract might look like this:

Yes, I am still afraid of nitro explosives going kapow. Also, a 1.4 cm long molecule is huge.


D Fischer, T M Klapötke and J Stierstorfer, Chem. Commun., 2016, 52, 916 (DOI: 10.1039/c5cc09010e)