Springer Publishing

Sunday 23 June 2019

molecules with "BLAH BLAH BLAH" in them

The ZINC15 database has a wonderful selection of molecules.
I found a handful of molecules with the generalized positional index "BLAH" in their names. Perhaps this is a new shorthand for denoting positions on scaffolds.

Consider the following 7-ring scaffold
It's name is 18,19-diazahexacyclo[BLAH.BLAH.BLAH.BLAH.BLAH.BLAH.BLAH]nonadeca-1(3),2(4),10-triene.

I guess moieties could be placed at any of the 7 BLAH positions on the scaffold.

Monday 15 April 2019

#honestchemtitles Twitter postings from 2015

OnlyTheGoodDiradical Sat Jul 25 23:49:05 +0000 2015 A Workmanlike Brute-force Total Synthesis of Some Obscure Molecule from an Unimportant Mollusc. #HonestChemTitles

OnlyTheGoodDiradical Sun Jul 26 23:51:19 +0000 2015 The Mechanism of This Heterogeneous Catalysis? Good Lord, Who The Hell Knows? We SAID "Heterogeneous", OK? #HonestChemTitles
Dan Gezelter Sun Jul 26 23:50:44 +0000 2015 Horace Lamb solved this analytically in 1895. Here's a 6 month simulation that shows the same thing. #HonestChemTitles
S Sun Jul 26 23:47:09 +0000 2015 Novel project that we've reported on six times in gradually lower impact journals #HonestChemTitles
OnlyTheGoodDiradical Sun Jul 26 23:46:49 +0000 2015 We Have Happily Discovered That Our Impure Samples Are Actually Carefully Doped Samples with Diverse Properties! #HonestChemTitles
Science Isn't Scary Sun Jul 26 23:45:58 +0000 2015 Nothing Worked, But Here Are Some Crystal Structures That Might Get Me Into Acta Crystallographa #HonestChemTitles
Dan Gezelter Sun Jul 26 23:44:45 +0000 2015 You can have our data if you scan in the PDF from the supporting information. #HonestChemTitles
Dan Gezelter Sun Jul 26 23:43:54 +0000 2015 All of the important equations are in the Appendix. #HonestChemTitles
Kyle Hart Sun Jul 26 23:43:17 +0000 2015 The last section was required by reviewer 2 #HonestChemTitles
OnlyTheGoodDiradical Sun Jul 26 23:42:58 +0000 2015 Eight-wave mixing with an attosecond laser that no one else will ever be able to afford to build. #HonestChemTitles https://t.co/2KJDGySSkE
Dan Gezelter Sun Jul 26 23:39:49 +0000 2015 A fantastic new computational method that you can't use because we refuse to release the source code. #HonestChemTitles
OnlyTheGoodDiradical Sun Jul 26 23:39:03 +0000 2015 Where You See "Routine and Dull", I See "Likely Immune to Any Attempted Reproduction". #HonestChemTitles
Shane Caldwell Sun Jul 26 23:29:47 +0000 2015 It crystallizes but we can't solve the structure. But the grant deadline's soon and we need a publication. So. #HonestChemTitles
Sam Sun Jul 26 23:19:00 +0000 2015 Yet another uncommercializable catalyst. #HonestChemTitles
Kristen Eilts Sun Jul 26 23:10:18 +0000 2015 Don't look too carefully through 40 year old patent work or this might seem familiar. #HonestChemTitles
Ame Mason Sun Jul 26 23:08:04 +0000 2015 @DrRubidium #HonestChemTitles is way more fun than watching Philly lose to DC United
Raychelle Burks Sun Jul 26 23:05:12 +0000 2015 'Novel' is in the title because my advisor said "'Revolutionary' is only for the soft sciences" #HonestChemTitles
Ame Mason Sun Jul 26 23:03:01 +0000 2015 @RaySchaak @DrRubidium Obviously, we added 3 (three) zero s #HonestChemTitles
James Sun Jul 26 22:57:54 +0000 2015 We Made This Compound Just Because We Can and We Just Make Up an Application for It. #HonestChemTitles
Daniel Singleton Sun Jul 26 22:43:24 +0000 2015 Desperate Interpretation of an Anomalous Result that We Had to Publish because It Took the Student Three Years #HonestChemTitles
Brandon Furlong Sun Jul 26 22:30:09 +0000 2015 The name of the ligand is too damn long and we can't find a cool acronym for it #HonestChemTitles
Alan Aspuru-Guzik Sun Jul 26 22:28:49 +0000 2015 Advanced nano bio energy material obtained by mixing some goo and scanning nano fuzz in STM #HonestChemTitles
Daniel Singleton Sun Jul 26 22:24:45 +0000 2015 Excited Discussion of Things that Everyone who Works in this Area Sees All the Time but Ignores Out of Boredom #HonestChemTitles
John Harkless Sun Jul 26 22:24:10 +0000 2015 This work is especially relevant because DON'T YOU KNOW WHO MY COAUTHOR IS? #HonestChemTitles
John Harkless Sun Jul 26 22:21:30 +0000 2015 My favorite functional works the best when you use this particular basis set #HonestChemTitles
Seann Mulcahy Sun Jul 26 22:20:33 +0000 2015 Just give us more money #HonestChemTitles
Costin Antonescu Sun Jul 26 22:16:59 +0000 2015 @BryanKoivisto check out #HonestChemTitles
Liz Sun Jul 26 22:16:35 +0000 2015 #HonestChemTitles is cracking me up right now
J. Chris Pires Sun Jul 26 22:05:48 +0000 2015 I love how #HonestChemTitles works for pretty much all #science (look at if bored a #botany2015 #plantbiology15 and need a laugh)
Ellen McGrory Sun Jul 26 22:05:10 +0000 2015 Some of these #HonestChemTitles tweets are just bloody brilliant
That One John Sun Jul 26 21:51:47 +0000 2015 Look at what dump trucks of flaming grant money and a group the size of a football roster can do when sleep is skipped! #HonestChemTitles
That One John Sun Jul 26 21:47:28 +0000 2015 A unique, novel, new, and remarkable form of self-congratulatory titling in chemical literature: also self-citation #HonestChemTitles
Mark Dewing Sun Jul 26 21:37:29 +0000 2015 Enjoying reading through the #HonestChemTitles entries.
The Mitchell Lab Sun Jul 26 21:36:45 +0000 2015 An organism with no brain is ~1,000,000X better than us at synthesizing this compound that likely has no medical value #HonestChemTitles
Tim Green Sun Jul 26 21:26:01 +0000 2015 The Soviets did this with pen and paper in the 70s, but here it is done worse with DFT #HonestChemTitles
twitsp mayor Sun Jul 26 21:25:28 +0000 2015 We didn't properly synthesize our molecule and thus our NMR was off and this is an easy paper to write #HonestChemTitles
Andre St. Amant Sun Jul 26 21:19:14 +0000 2015 "Anything You Can Do I Can Do Better" #HonestChemTitles https://t.co/1tMPnLIHOV
Jes Sherman Sun Jul 26 21:10:13 +0000 2015 Ten more groups are publishing data on this exact same polymer because performance matters more than science now #HonestChemTitles
Jes Sherman Sun Jul 26 21:08:12 +0000 2015 The devices were lousy, but look at all the characterization we did anyway! #HonestChemTitles
Andrew Watkins Sun Jul 26 20:44:31 +0000 2015 Photoactivatable Extended Fishing Metaphor Please Disregard Signal/Noise Ratio: Next-Generation Proteomics #HonestChemTitles
Jaydeep Bardhan Sun Jul 26 20:37:28 +0000 2015 #HonestChemTitles electrostatics are hard to program, so we changed the model to one a student could code up
Dave Heppner Sun Jul 26 20:35:11 +0000 2015 @heydebigale This #HonestChemTitles is clearly brought to you by an EPR person...
Will Sun Jul 26 20:34:54 +0000 2015 A new, low-yielding, expensive technique for synthesis of pointless ligands. #HonestChemTitles
Debbie Mitchell Sun Jul 26 20:34:11 +0000 2015 A *novel* spectroscopic technique. Well it's actually just a slight variation on our competitor's, but with a new acronym! #HonestChemTitles
OnlyTheGoodDiradical Sun Jul 26 20:33:37 +0000 2015 Not Really A Complete Story, But the Laser Diode is Fried and There's No Money for a New One. #HonestChemTitles
Andrew Robinson Sun Jul 26 20:30:53 +0000 2015 This synthesis of an obscure molecule is so boring that we dozed off while writing the papzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz #HonestChemTitles
Young Brando Sun Jul 26 20:14:20 +0000 2015 Scooped by Emil Fischer #HonestChemTitles
OnlyTheGoodDiradical Sun Jul 26 20:06:54 +0000 2015 We Waited ForEVER to Have a Special Issue Come Along in Which We Could Dump This! #HonestChemTitles
kenzie b Sun Jul 26 19:58:22 +0000 2015 These Pretty Pictures from Cell Testing Might Distract You From My Product Yields #HonestChemTitles for my thesis
Alexandra M Sun Jul 26 19:56:28 +0000 2015 There's No Real Valuable Data In This But We Spent A Month Overseas And Need To Publish To Justify The Cost Of The Trip #HonestChemTitles
Sean Seaver Sun Jul 26 19:52:02 +0000 2015 I'm 1st author on this paper since the grad student before me who did all the work had to write their dissertation instead #HonestChemTitles
Neurotic Chemist Sun Jul 26 19:50:34 +0000 2015 I'm enjoying reading #HonestChemTitles <f0><U+009F><U+0098><U+0082>
Dave Heppner Sun Jul 26 19:45:57 +0000 2015 I’m trying to figure out which chemical discipline is suffering the most from #HonestChemTitles Seems to be theory?
Backdoor Pharmacist Sun Jul 26 19:39:22 +0000 2015 #HonestChemTitles is a fantastic hashtag. i can sympathize so hard.
Raychelle Burks Sun Jul 26 19:35:41 +0000 2015 #HonestChemTitles is cracking me up
Peter Kenny Sun Jul 26 19:03:19 +0000 2015 Ro5 catered to herding instinct of #DrugDiscovery community and Ro3 is just like Ro5 if you're missing two fingers #HonestChemTitles #FBDD
Mireille Krier Sun Jul 26 18:24:20 +0000 2015 We set up an assay &amp; dock into an homology model; docking scores are correlating with bioactivities #HonestChemTitles
Jeffery D. Mottishaw Sun Jul 26 18:08:56 +0000 2015 My computational methods are justified because a paper from 20 years ago sort of replicated my data #HonestChemTitles
Chad Jones Sun Jul 26 17:22:12 +0000 2015 "Graduate student seeks a reasonable way out of graduate school by publishing "novel" analysis." #HonestChemTitles
Arthur Winter Sun Jul 26 17:05:53 +0000 2015 This failed total synthesis cost taxpayers $1M and demoralized 5 PDs, and all I got was this lousy Tet Lett paper #HonestChemTitles
John Harkless Sun Jul 26 16:51:16 +0000 2015 My irrelevant and inexplicable citation of potential tenure reviewers is not the point of this paper. #HonestChemTitles
John Harkless Sun Jul 26 16:49:54 +0000 2015 I just added another decimal place to my graduate thesis work. #HonestChemTitles
Matthew MacLennan Sun Jul 26 16:03:28 +0000 2015 AS-MS: "anything spray-mass spectrometry" Pretty much anything is an ionization source when you put high voltage across it #HonestChemTitles
Alan Aspuru-Guzik Sun Jul 26 15:54:36 +0000 2015 Oversimplified gas-phase DFT study fully explains complex mesoscale condensed phase system behavior #HonestChemTitles
Alexandra M Sun Jul 26 15:47:57 +0000 2015 You Can't Reproduce This Synthesis At All If Your Temperature In Step Twenty Is Off By Even One Tenth Of A Degree #HonestChemTitles
Peter Kenny Sun Jul 26 15:47:00 +0000 2015 Show Enough ROC Plots So Nobody Notices That You've Not Disclosed The Models #HonestChemTitles
Andrew Watkins Sun Jul 26 15:41:57 +0000 2015 Novel Fluorescence Assay Described Herein Uniquely Suggests Our Compounds Bind #HonestChemTitles
Bananabond Sun Jul 26 15:40:32 +0000 2015 #HonestChemTitles - Deshalb haben 90% der Paper so komplizierte Titel ;)
Peter Kenny Sun Jul 26 15:36:50 +0000 2015 Impressive Off-Rate Compromised By Geological Time Scale On-Rate #HonestChemTitles #DrugDiscovery
Peter Kenny Sun Jul 26 15:25:49 +0000 2015 Just call it 'consensus modelling' #HonestChemTitles https://t.co/uwFdwmzM7J
Peter Kenny Sun Jul 26 15:24:23 +0000 2015 Never Let Thermodyamic Invalidity Get In The Way Of A Bad #Metric #HonestChemTitles #DrugDiscovery #LigandEfficiency
Andrew Watkins Sun Jul 26 15:23:23 +0000 2015 Two Authors' Methods Had Wildly Variable Performance, So Here They Are Combined for Different Use Cases #HonestChemTitles
Peter Kenny Sun Jul 26 15:20:20 +0000 2015 Philatelic Use Of #LigandEfficiency For Decoration And Beautifcation Of #SAR Tables #HonestChemTitles #DrugDiscovery
Ryan K Sun Jul 26 15:17:48 +0000 2015 Poorly photoshopped images of nano chopsticks #HonestChemTitles @ChemBark
Chad D. Sun Jul 26 15:16:32 +0000 2015 #Honestchemtitles We wanted to make better medicinal compounds, they weren't but here are somewhat new compounds at least.
Neysa Nevins Sun Jul 26 15:09:47 +0000 2015 @pwk2013 and @curiouswavefn collaborate to address our modeling woes #HonestChemTitles
Peter Kenny Sun Jul 26 14:59:25 +0000 2015 Pan-Assay Interference Observed In Panel Of Six Assays Using Single Detection Technology #HonestChemTitles #PAINS #DrugDiscovery
Edward J. Miracco Sun Jul 26 14:56:34 +0000 2015 #HonestChemTitles are hilarious! https://t.co/1QDWfHKZsc
Peter Kenny Sun Jul 26 14:38:27 +0000 2015 Some self-appointed experts and wannabe key opinion leaders won't be laughing #HonestChemTitles https://t.co/JH3p4orKu0
Peter Kenny Sun Jul 26 14:33:44 +0000 2015 Correlation coefficient for number of hydrogen bond acceptors and polar surface area is 0.93 but PSA sounds more physical #HonestChemTitles
Waters Corporation Sun Jul 26 14:32:39 +0000 2015 If you're looking for a laugh today: #HonestChemTitles
Freda Sun Jul 26 14:27:10 +0000 2015 @ArthurHWinter I'm loving your #HonestChemTitles tweets. I'm a fan. <f0><U+009F><U+0091><U+008F>
Peter Kenny Sun Jul 26 14:18:14 +0000 2015 A Painful Collision Between Large Data Set And Those Who Have No Idea How To Analyze It #HonestChemTitles #DrugDiscovery #druglikeness
Peter Kenny Sun Jul 26 14:11:12 +0000 2015 Inflated Correlations Between Questionable Biologial Actvity and Irrelevant Molecular Descriptors #HonestChemTitles
Ash Jogalekar Sun Jul 26 14:05:36 +0000 2015 @pwk2013 The Ebola card was getting stale so we played the polypharmacology card #HonestChemTitles
Ash Jogalekar Sun Jul 26 14:02:57 +0000 2015 @pwk2013 We didn't look at any correlations with molecular weight because, seriously, MOLECULAR WEIGHT?? #HonestChemTitles
Chemistry Update Sun Jul 26 14:01:02 +0000 2015 #HonestChemTitles http://t.co/eN7dPcMNuw
OnlyTheGoodDiradical Sun Jul 26 13:58:37 +0000 2015 Sure, Synaptic Basin Order is Chemistry-content Free, But, Oooo... Look at the Pretty Pictures! #HonestChemTitles
Ash Jogalekar Sun Jul 26 13:58:10 +0000 2015 @pwk2013 MW was more effective descriptor than normalized all-path Wiener-Noowitzki index. But the latter sounds so cool! #HonestChemTitles
Peter Kenny Sun Jul 26 13:48:00 +0000 2015 Our modeling methodogy is pedestrian and lacks novelty so we played the Ebola card #HonestChemTitles #JeuxSansFrontieres #Joker #QSAR
Alan Aspuru-Guzik Sun Jul 26 13:28:25 +0000 2015 I ran Gaussian on five molecules and LaTeXed the output files into tables. No lessons learned. #HonestChemTitles
Ryan K Sun Jul 26 13:27:42 +0000 2015 Chemical Free Synthesis of Nano GMOs using Sub Atomic Simulations for the Chemically Illiterate #HonestChemTitles
Rissa Sorensen-Unruh Sun Jul 26 12:53:54 +0000 2015 Not sure what happened or that my students learned anything, but we had FUN! #HonestChemTitles
Peter Kenny Sun Jul 26 12:39:51 +0000 2015 Molecular weight was more effective descriptor than aromatic ring count but it had already been taken #HonestChemTitles
Ray Schaak Sun Jul 26 12:35:23 +0000 2015 We already published this, but the second author wanted to be first author, so here it is again. #HonestChemTitles
Ray Schaak Sun Jul 26 12:34:25 +0000 2015 This nano thing is better than that nano thing: Because we said so. #HonestChemTitles
Peter Kenny Sun Jul 26 12:33:52 +0000 2015 We changed the concentration units so we could claim a new #LigandEfficiency #metric #HonestChemTitles
Peter Kenny Sun Jul 26 12:25:07 +0000 2015 So unpublishable that we had to pay to have it published #HonestChemTitles #openaccess
Scientist Tiger Sun Jul 26 12:20:41 +0000 2015 "Selective Examples Makes This Chemistry Seem More Important Than It Is" #HonestChemTitles
OnlyTheGoodDiradical Sun Jul 26 12:19:42 +0000 2015 Maybe Not Our Best Work, But I'm an Associate Editor: Deal With It. #HonestChemTitles
Peter Kenny Sun Jul 26 12:18:20 +0000 2015 Training set consisted of two huge clusters and we could have fitted it with a dog turd #HonestChemTitles

Vance Williams Mon Jul 27 22:07:45 +0000 2015 This was the target that I drew around the arrow. #HonestChemTitles
Cafer T. Yavuz Mon Jul 27 22:02:26 +0000 2015 If you're reading this, I finally figured out how to name my nano junk in an attractive way #HonestChemTitles
Cafer T. Yavuz Mon Jul 27 21:57:08 +0000 2015 Nano-this Bio-that single molecule metal-free green catalytic sustainable hierarchical synthesis #PerfectChemTitle #HonestChemTitles
fluorogrol Mon Jul 27 21:50:21 +0000 2015 I’m Professor Emeritus and I Give Zero Fucks #HonestChemTitles
McL Neuro Lab Mon Jul 27 20:27:28 +0000 2015 #HonestChemTitles is making me laugh and cringe at once. Lau-nge?
Classified Mon Jul 27 20:04:38 +0000 2015 Interesting organic molecule which happens to fluoresce at 320nm in a DC electric field.. of 2MV/m2. #HonestChemTitles
Robert Enright Mon Jul 27 19:46:42 +0000 2015 Another Graphene Experiment #HonestChemTitles
Craig Griffiths Mon Jul 27 19:17:18 +0000 2015 My literature survey was written by only reading abstracts #honestchemtitles
Fernanda Foertter Mon Jul 27 18:56:21 +0000 2015 What do #HonestChemTitles look like for #HonestCompChemTitles? "Energy calcs for arbitrary isomer we'll never be able to synthesize" #HPC
Sven Kochmann Mon Jul 27 18:29:52 +0000 2015 This article will prove everything you know about the morphology in MCF-7 and HeLa is wrong! #honestchemtitles #clickbaitchemtitles
Sven Kochmann Mon Jul 27 18:25:04 +0000 2015 11 things you should do with our new graphene-based sensor. You won't believe 6 and 9! #honestchemtitles #clickbaitchemtitles
Sven Kochmann Mon Jul 27 18:20:25 +0000 2015 Total synthesis of Taxol was done in 9 steps. Simplicity of step 7 will inspire you and make you cry! #honestchemtitles #clickbaitchemtitles
Rae Knowler Mon Jul 27 17:36:22 +0000 2015 I can't decide if #HonestChemTitles is making me miss the lab or feel delight that I switched careers, but it's hilarious whichever.
Jeffery D. Mottishaw Mon Jul 27 17:26:17 +0000 2015 This paper only got published because my boss has a lot of citations for a review paper in this field. #HonestChemTitles
Len Fisher Mon Jul 27 16:22:13 +0000 2015 #HonestChemTitles Bang! Bugger
Sven Kochmann Mon Jul 27 16:03:05 +0000 2015 #honestchemtitles, why is there no #clickbaitchemtitles?
Hakan Bildirir Mon Jul 27 16:01:13 +0000 2015 We publish this as communication, because we don't want to explain "how to do this impossible measuerement" in detail #HonestChemTitles
Hakan Bildirir Mon Jul 27 15:56:18 +0000 2015 We decided to publish it as communication in a low impact journal since we can't explain why the material is so good at X. #HonestChemTitles
John Coupland Mon Jul 27 15:54:40 +0000 2015 A problem to a solution #HonestChemTitles
Justin Brower Mon Jul 27 15:08:31 +0000 2015 This synthesis won't really lead to a "potential cure for ____," but it makes for great click-bait #HonestChemTitles
CE2L Mon Jul 27 15:07:43 +0000 2015 Hey #chemistry friends go check out #honestchemtitles if you want a good laugh
fluorogrol Mon Jul 27 14:53:48 +0000 2015 Look, Since We Pretty Much Confined a Grad Student to a Glovebox for Two Years,This Reaction Must Be Useful, Right? RIGHT? #HonestChemTitles
Eugene Douglass Mon Jul 27 14:48:30 +0000 2015 @CrimsonAlkemist Slight adj: "Self-assembly under irrelevant conditions" #HonestChemTitles BTW great paper on this: http://t.co/zogbFVeKeb
Joseph Meany Mon Jul 27 14:42:27 +0000 2015 This supramolecular assembly doesn't actually self assemble, but here are some cool molecules anyway #HonestChemTitles
Alexandra del Carpio Mon Jul 27 14:39:09 +0000 2015 I looked at something that everyone has already looked at but in a different way #HonestChemTitles
Len Fisher Mon Jul 27 14:26:36 +0000 2015 #HonestChemTitles This is really physics, but I couldn't get it into a physics journal
Alexandra M Mon Jul 27 14:24:22 +0000 2015 That awkward moment when someone who you know in real life FB messages you b/c he saw one of your #HonestChemTitles posts linked on Reddit
Alexandra M Mon Jul 27 14:22:19 +0000 2015 Benefits of #HonestChemTitles besides lots of laughing? More #ScienceTwitter people to follow.
Jason Palmer Mon Jul 27 14:08:01 +0000 2015 Hey @Dr_MelB -- check out #HonestChemTitles , it's great fun
Alexandra M Mon Jul 27 14:00:54 +0000 2015 Our Novel Technique Improves Results From Earlier Methods (By Less Than A Percent But Hey, Who's Counting?) #honestchemtitles
Alexandra M Mon Jul 27 13:58:31 +0000 2015 We Ran Out Of Ethanol Right Before An Important Trial And May Have Substituted Everclear Instead #HonestChemTitles
a very stupid person Mon Jul 27 13:56:47 +0000 2015 #HonestChemTitles
fluorogrol Mon Jul 27 13:54:22 +0000 2015 #HonestChemTitles has officially made the big-time: it's being picked up by spambots http://t.co/sc25dqES9v
Share picture JKT48 Mon Jul 27 13:43:59 +0000 2015 #KCA #VoteJKT48ID ChemHeritage: Catch up on these #HonestChemTitles and add some hilarity to your Monday morning...
Andira Bintang Mon Jul 27 13:43:54 +0000 2015 #KCA #VoteJKT48ID ChemHeritage: Catch up on these #HonestChemTitles and add some hilarity to your Monday morning...
mikobhayangkara Mon Jul 27 13:43:47 +0000 2015 #KCA #VoteJKT48ID ChemHeritage: Catch up on these #HonestChemTitles and add some hilarity to your Monday morning...
chemheritage Mon Jul 27 13:42:40 +0000 2015 Catch up on these #HonestChemTitles and add some hilarity to your Monday morning... https://t.co/RZ01SU9ztD
Peter Kenny Mon Jul 27 13:25:11 +0000 2015 We Quoted #LigandEfficiency Without Units So Nobody Could See That <U+0394>G Was In kJ/mol Rather Than kcal/mol #HonestChemTitles #DrugDiscovery
Peter Kenny Mon Jul 27 13:19:33 +0000 2015 Making Carboxylate More Acidic Was Always Going To End In Tears But Lipophilic #LigandEfficiency Was Great #HonestChemTitles #DrugDiscovery
Peter Kenny Mon Jul 27 13:10:30 +0000 2015 2 Nanosecond Half Life In Plasma But Highly Developable On Account Of Aromatic Ring Count Of 1 #HonestChemTitles #DrugDiscovery
Peter Kenny Mon Jul 27 13:07:28 +0000 2015 No Detectable Affinity But It Has Such High Compound Quality #HonestChemTitles #DrugDiscovery
Thomas Anderson Mon Jul 27 13:05:00 +0000 2015 I spent 3.5 years on this project, but was unable to make the target compound. Here's why it won't happen again. #honestchemtitles.
Peter Kenny Mon Jul 27 13:04:41 +0000 2015 This 500 Micromolar Suflonate Fragment Is Not Going Anywhere But Has Industry-Leading Property Forecast Index #HonestChemTitles #FBDD
Darius Mon Jul 27 12:53:26 +0000 2015 A novel method for electrochemical detection of something you know you put in your buffer solution. #HonestChemTitles
Darius Mon Jul 27 12:51:54 +0000 2015 We wrote the journal name with our new nanofab technique to increase our chances of publishing in this high impact journal #HonestChemTitles
Mark Ogden Mon Jul 27 12:34:34 +0000 2015 "If the crystal structure had solved, we would not have published this work in this journal" #HonestChemTitles
Matthew Hartings Mon Jul 27 12:05:10 +0000 2015 Tough to reconcile #HonestChemTitles with #Reviewer3 ...
Sam Cryer Mon Jul 27 11:59:27 +0000 2015 At least 3 synthetic steps are "fatal on contact with skin" but its for use in solar cells - so it's green chemistry #HonestChemTitles
OnlyTheGoodDiradical Mon Jul 27 11:55:40 +0000 2015 All Other Partial Atomic Charge Models Stink: Ours Is the Best. #HonestChemTitles (um, honest! And, now, #OA!!) CM5: http://t.co/09haJfvJqj
Daniel García Vivó Mon Jul 27 11:50:03 +0000 2015 I will add more referee's references in the paper if required to publish #HonestChemTitles
Daniel García Vivó Mon Jul 27 11:43:13 +0000 2015 I'm adding a ridiculous collection of hot topics to publish it in a high IF journal #HonestChemTitles
Michaela Ecker Mon Jul 27 11:43:12 +0000 2015 Enjoying reading #HonestChemTitles , its the same for all fields of science! How about a #HonestArchTitles?
OnlyTheGoodDiradical Mon Jul 27 11:40:33 +0000 2015 It May Be Witchcraft, But It's Freaking USEFUL Witchcraft, Innit? Die Jealous. #HonestChemTitles
David Foley Mon Jul 27 11:38:06 +0000 2015 @DDU_Dundee Method no. 10004567 for converting a cyano to an amide. Only a desperate PhD student will EVER use this #honestchemtitles
Ricardo Mon Jul 27 11:27:57 +0000 2015 By our method we were able to synthesize dozen of potentially bioactive compounds. Nobody's gonna test it anyway. #HonestChemTitles
Ricardo Mon Jul 27 11:24:53 +0000 2015 We have got an unexplainable wavelenght on emission spectra: so we call it novel ;D #HonestChemTitles
Robert Menzies PhD Mon Jul 27 11:19:04 +0000 2015 Groundbreaking &amp; Gamechanging. The Result That Will Rewrite Textbooks by Itself #HonestChemTitles - am I doing this wrong?
Matteo Cavalleri Mon Jul 27 11:18:37 +0000 2015 #HonestChemTitles are work of genius.
MedChemNet Mon Jul 27 11:18:24 +0000 2015 Really enjoying all the entries on the #HonestChemTitles hashtag!
Kate Hughes Mon Jul 27 11:16:50 +0000 2015 My new awesome technique shows that different materials on different surfaces give us different spectra. #HonestChemTitles
Matteo Cavalleri Mon Jul 27 11:14:51 +0000 2015 I need papers to graduate #HonestChemTitles
Jon Lam Mon Jul 27 10:48:18 +0000 2015 Reaction Gives Product in 99% ee But You'll Need a Ligand Only Nicolaou Can Make (and 50 mol% of it) #HonestChemTitles
Peter Kenny Mon Jul 27 10:45:48 +0000 2015 We know #LigandEfficiency is bollox but you need it to get a grant these days #HonestChemTitles
Jon Lam Mon Jul 27 10:37:30 +0000 2015 Super Fancy Chiral Rh-Complex Gives Product in 99% ee but Only 50% Yield (So Really, You're Better Off Doing a Resolution) #HonestChemTitles
Emilie Hall Mon Jul 27 10:22:55 +0000 2015 Utter genius #HonestChemTitles from @ChemProfCramer https://t.co/i8G8U0HMKo
Jamie Christie Mon Jul 27 10:20:17 +0000 2015 FQZZX1: A 38-Parameter Functional that Stretches the Meaning of "First-Principles" to its Limits. #HonestChemTitles
Peter Kenny Mon Jul 27 10:18:15 +0000 2015 A strong correlation was observed between pIC50 and ClogP after removal of a few 'obvious' outliers #HonestChemTitles
Carlos Toro Mon Jul 27 09:45:16 +0000 2015 @fxcoudert second statement has the merits to qualify for #honestchemtitles
Linkam Scientific Mon Jul 27 09:28:37 +0000 2015 Need something to cheer you up this Monday morning? Check out #HonestChemTitles
SuperScienceGrl Mon Jul 27 09:15:35 +0000 2015 Good luck replicating this one, we're chem engineers and basically just guessed at how to write an experimental SUCKAZZZ #HonestChemTitles
Drug Discovery Unit Mon Jul 27 09:14:51 +0000 2015 We love a bit of #frankscience! What are your favourite #HonestChemTitles (looking at you @medchemdave!) https://t.co/bJJ7FsqvgD
Dr Paul Coxon Mon Jul 27 09:04:00 +0000 2015 This Paper Has Nothing to do with Graphene but it's Here For SEO Purposes. Also Perovskite. #HonestChemTitles
RealTimeChem Mon Jul 27 08:41:23 +0000 2015 This weeks favourite hashtag outside #RealTimeChem has to be #HonestChemTitles <f0><U+009F><U+0098><U+0082>
Mark Ogden Mon Jul 27 07:57:09 +0000 2015 @anatmilo &amp; the sequel "We multiplied all the microns by 1000 and called it supra-nano, so we could publish in ACS Nano". #HonestChemTitles
Vittorio Saggiomo Mon Jul 27 06:42:18 +0000 2015 GRAPHENE in the title is only an acronym for "Gross Reaction And PHoto-Excitation and Nothing Else” #HonestChemTitles
Matthew MacLennan Mon Jul 27 05:52:57 +0000 2015 @AlexFGoldberg @Chemjobber such fun reading exceedingly concise and elegant tweets for #HonestChemTitles #thx
Noby Leong Mon Jul 27 05:50:52 +0000 2015 Synthesis of a macromolecule made exclusively using amide coupling reagents because none of us understand proper synthesis #HonestChemTitles
Jessica Hamilton Mon Jul 27 05:49:46 +0000 2015 Amusement of the day, loving #HonestChemTitles https://t.co/cqOPirZtV0
Matthew MacLennan Mon Jul 27 05:41:56 +0000 2015 SLEAZSY NMR: Sequence which Looks Exceedingly like Another and hopethatnoonerealiZes SpectroscopY #HonestChemTitles
Ramon van Belzen Mon Jul 27 05:12:21 +0000 2015 I know nothing will happen but I have to create some data #honestchemtitles
Vance Williams Mon Jul 27 05:06:01 +0000 2015 Sure it's boring, but I did it by click chemistry. #HonestChemTitles
Nadine Mon Jul 27 04:56:47 +0000 2015 Ok wait, let's make sure and measure it a 2nd, 3rd, 4th and a 5th time just to make sure. Bam! 5 papers! #HonestChemTitles
Nadine Mon Jul 27 04:55:46 +0000 2015 These guys measured this molecule in ambient air, look look so did we! #HonestChemTitles
Soumen Ghosh Mon Jul 27 04:36:54 +0000 2015 Don't have experimental evidences but calculated PES for this hypothetical rxn mechanism with our fav density functional. #HonestChemTitles
Susan Vickers Mon Jul 27 04:25:30 +0000 2015 Weve had nanobelts, nanoflowers, nanotrees...but these are nanocarrots! (if you tilt your head to the side &amp; squint a bit) #HonestChemTitles
Chase Thompson Mon Jul 27 04:24:53 +0000 2015 The Likelihood of Any of This Work Being Relevant Beyond This Publication is Basically Zero #HonestChemTitles
Nadine Mon Jul 27 04:24:09 +0000 2015 None of our particle precursors are the same, none are atmospherically relevant but let's discuss and compare #HonestChemTitles
Nadine Mon Jul 27 04:15:02 +0000 2015 And where it comes from will be follow up paper 1, what happens to it will be follow up paper 2 to 10 #HonestChemTitles
Nadine Mon Jul 27 04:12:53 +0000 2015 We measured this molecule here and there and over there, and thought you should know #HonestChemTitles
Nadine Mon Jul 27 04:10:19 +0000 2015 The instrument failed in the field so here's what the model predicts we should have seen #HonestChemTitles
Peter Kenny Mon Jul 27 02:47:52 +0000 2015 We have no idea how many parameters our Bayesian model uses and we've not disclosed the model so you won't either #HonestChemTitles
Peter Kenny Mon Jul 27 02:44:43 +0000 2015 Active compound was actually found using substructural searching but we'd spent 6 months building a homology model #HonestChemTitles
Daniel Singleton Mon Jul 27 02:42:03 +0000 2015 TUNNELING! Because people will still wet their pants over the 4000th paper on it. Did I mention we see tunneling? #HonestChemTitles
Peter Kenny Mon Jul 27 02:38:58 +0000 2015 Continuum solvent model is parameterized for HF/6-31G* but not using DFT is so uncool #HonestChemTitles
Daniel Singleton Mon Jul 27 02:37:10 +0000 2015 .@Free_Radical1 All my titles are based on a life's list of hated papers, mostly not my own. I could do 100's of these. #HonestChemTItles
Free Radical Mon Jul 27 02:24:11 +0000 2015 My Grad Student Spent 5 Years Modifying Phosphine Ligands To Get a 5% ee Boost #HonestChemTitles
Anat Milo Mon Jul 27 02:13:01 +0000 2015 We divided all the Å by 10 so we could publish in ACS Nano #HonestChemTitles
Leida Tirado-Lee Mon Jul 27 02:10:26 +0000 2015 This paper could have been published two years earlier if our lab had equipment from this century. #HonestChemTitles
Tony Mon Jul 27 02:09:19 +0000 2015 We made up the only mechanism the data didn't disagree with #honestchemtitles
Brain&Force Mon Jul 27 02:00:23 +0000 2015 #HonestChemTitles for me: "My PI finally let me do experiments on a novel erbium complex and there's literally nothing interesting about it"

Nicola Gaston Tue Jul 28 20:18:29 +0000 2015 This is too soon after #HonestChemTitles, I'm afraid... https://t.co/3d1AFxn3zV
Gerald PJ Clarke Tue Jul 28 14:23:02 +0000 2015 @_atanas_ were you enjoying #honestchemtitles as much as I was? Some really funny stuff in there
Christine Beavers Tue Jul 28 13:04:32 +0000 2015 Last night's "would you publish this" session had a lot in common with #overlyHonestMethods and #HonestChemTitles. Good times! #ACAPhilly
Tom Umile Tue Jul 28 12:39:28 +0000 2015 Reading #HonestChemTitles is a good way to wrap up the summer research season. Not a good way to be productive at work.
Nano is good 4 U Tue Jul 28 12:25:27 +0000 2015 This Paper Has Nothing to do with Graphene but it's Here For SEO Purposes. Also Perovskite. #HonestChemTitles
Vance Williams Mon Jul 27 22:07:45 +0000 2015 This was the target that I drew around the arrow. #HonestChemTitles
Cafer T. Yavuz Mon Jul 27 22:02:26 +0000 2015 If you're reading this, I finally figured out how to name my nano junk in an attractive way #HonestChemTitles
Cafer T. Yavuz Mon Jul 27 21:57:08 +0000 2015 Nano-this Bio-that single molecule metal-free green catalytic sustainable hierarchical synthesis #PerfectChemTitle #HonestChemTitles
fluorogrol Mon Jul 27 21:50:21 +0000 2015 I’m Professor Emeritus and I Give Zero Fucks #HonestChemTitles
McL Neuro Lab Mon Jul 27 20:27:28 +0000 2015 #HonestChemTitles is making me laugh and cringe at once. Lau-nge?
Classified Mon Jul 27 20:04:38 +0000 2015 Interesting organic molecule which happens to fluoresce at 320nm in a DC electric field.. of 2MV/m2. #HonestChemTitles
Robert Enright Mon Jul 27 19:46:42 +0000 2015 Another Graphene Experiment #HonestChemTitles
Craig Griffiths Mon Jul 27 19:17:18 +0000 2015 My literature survey was written by only reading abstracts #honestchemtitles
Fernanda Foertter Mon Jul 27 18:56:21 +0000 2015 What do #HonestChemTitles look like for #HonestCompChemTitles? "Energy calcs for arbitrary isomer we'll never be able to synthesize" #HPC
Sven Kochmann Mon Jul 27 18:29:52 +0000 2015 This article will prove everything you know about the morphology in MCF-7 and HeLa is wrong! #honestchemtitles #clickbaitchemtitles
Sven Kochmann Mon Jul 27 18:25:04 +0000 2015 11 things you should do with our new graphene-based sensor. You won't believe 6 and 9! #honestchemtitles #clickbaitchemtitles
Sven Kochmann Mon Jul 27 18:20:25 +0000 2015 Total synthesis of Taxol was done in 9 steps. Simplicity of step 7 will inspire you and make you cry! #honestchemtitles #clickbaitchemtitles
Rae Knowler Mon Jul 27 17:36:22 +0000 2015 I can't decide if #HonestChemTitles is making me miss the lab or feel delight that I switched careers, but it's hilarious whichever.
Jeffery D. Mottishaw Mon Jul 27 17:26:17 +0000 2015 This paper only got published because my boss has a lot of citations for a review paper in this field. #HonestChemTitles
Len Fisher Mon Jul 27 16:22:13 +0000 2015 #HonestChemTitles Bang! Bugger
Sven Kochmann Mon Jul 27 16:03:05 +0000 2015 #honestchemtitles, why is there no #clickbaitchemtitles?
Hakan Bildirir Mon Jul 27 16:01:13 +0000 2015 We publish this as communication, because we don't want to explain "how to do this impossible measuerement" in detail #HonestChemTitles
Hakan Bildirir Mon Jul 27 15:56:18 +0000 2015 We decided to publish it as communication in a low impact journal since we can't explain why the material is so good at X. #HonestChemTitles
John Coupland Mon Jul 27 15:54:40 +0000 2015 A problem to a solution #HonestChemTitles
Justin Brower Mon Jul 27 15:08:31 +0000 2015 This synthesis won't really lead to a "potential cure for ____," but it makes for great click-bait #HonestChemTitles
CE2L Mon Jul 27 15:07:43 +0000 2015 Hey #chemistry friends go check out #honestchemtitles if you want a good laugh
fluorogrol Mon Jul 27 14:53:48 +0000 2015 Look, Since We Pretty Much Confined a Grad Student to a Glovebox for Two Years,This Reaction Must Be Useful, Right? RIGHT? #HonestChemTitles
Eugene Douglass Mon Jul 27 14:48:30 +0000 2015 @CrimsonAlkemist Slight adj: "Self-assembly under irrelevant conditions" #HonestChemTitles BTW great paper on this: http://t.co/zogbFVeKeb
Joseph Meany Mon Jul 27 14:42:27 +0000 2015 This supramolecular assembly doesn't actually self assemble, but here are some cool molecules anyway #HonestChemTitles
Alexandra del Carpio Mon Jul 27 14:39:09 +0000 2015 I looked at something that everyone has already looked at but in a different way #HonestChemTitles
Len Fisher Mon Jul 27 14:26:36 +0000 2015 #HonestChemTitles This is really physics, but I couldn't get it into a physics journal
Alexandra M Mon Jul 27 14:24:22 +0000 2015 That awkward moment when someone who you know in real life FB messages you b/c he saw one of your #HonestChemTitles posts linked on Reddit
Alexandra M Mon Jul 27 14:22:19 +0000 2015 Benefits of #HonestChemTitles besides lots of laughing? More #ScienceTwitter people to follow.
Jason Palmer Mon Jul 27 14:08:01 +0000 2015 Hey @Dr_MelB -- check out #HonestChemTitles , it's great fun
Alexandra M Mon Jul 27 14:00:54 +0000 2015 Our Novel Technique Improves Results From Earlier Methods (By Less Than A Percent But Hey, Who's Counting?) #honestchemtitles
Alexandra M Mon Jul 27 13:58:31 +0000 2015 We Ran Out Of Ethanol Right Before An Important Trial And May Have Substituted Everclear Instead #HonestChemTitles
a very stupid person Mon Jul 27 13:56:47 +0000 2015 #HonestChemTitles
fluorogrol Mon Jul 27 13:54:22 +0000 2015 #HonestChemTitles has officially made the big-time: it's being picked up by spambots http://t.co/sc25dqES9v
Share picture JKT48 Mon Jul 27 13:43:59 +0000 2015 #KCA #VoteJKT48ID ChemHeritage: Catch up on these #HonestChemTitles and add some hilarity to your Monday morning...
Andira Bintang Mon Jul 27 13:43:54 +0000 2015 #KCA #VoteJKT48ID ChemHeritage: Catch up on these #HonestChemTitles and add some hilarity to your Monday morning...
mikobhayangkara Mon Jul 27 13:43:47 +0000 2015 #KCA #VoteJKT48ID ChemHeritage: Catch up on these #HonestChemTitles and add some hilarity to your Monday morning...
chemheritage Mon Jul 27 13:42:40 +0000 2015 Catch up on these #HonestChemTitles and add some hilarity to your Monday morning... https://t.co/RZ01SU9ztD
Peter Kenny Mon Jul 27 13:25:11 +0000 2015 We Quoted #LigandEfficiency Without Units So Nobody Could See That <U+0394>G Was In kJ/mol Rather Than kcal/mol #HonestChemTitles #DrugDiscovery
Peter Kenny Mon Jul 27 13:19:33 +0000 2015 Making Carboxylate More Acidic Was Always Going To End In Tears But Lipophilic #LigandEfficiency Was Great #HonestChemTitles #DrugDiscovery
Peter Kenny Mon Jul 27 13:10:30 +0000 2015 2 Nanosecond Half Life In Plasma But Highly Developable On Account Of Aromatic Ring Count Of 1 #HonestChemTitles #DrugDiscovery
Peter Kenny Mon Jul 27 13:07:28 +0000 2015 No Detectable Affinity But It Has Such High Compound Quality #HonestChemTitles #DrugDiscovery
Thomas Anderson Mon Jul 27 13:05:00 +0000 2015 I spent 3.5 years on this project, but was unable to make the target compound. Here's why it won't happen again. #honestchemtitles.
Peter Kenny Mon Jul 27 13:04:41 +0000 2015 This 500 Micromolar Suflonate Fragment Is Not Going Anywhere But Has Industry-Leading Property Forecast Index #HonestChemTitles #FBDD
Darius Mon Jul 27 12:53:26 +0000 2015 A novel method for electrochemical detection of something you know you put in your buffer solution. #HonestChemTitles
Darius Mon Jul 27 12:51:54 +0000 2015 We wrote the journal name with our new nanofab technique to increase our chances of publishing in this high impact journal #HonestChemTitles
Mark Ogden Mon Jul 27 12:34:34 +0000 2015 "If the crystal structure had solved, we would not have published this work in this journal" #HonestChemTitles
Matthew Hartings Mon Jul 27 12:05:10 +0000 2015 Tough to reconcile #HonestChemTitles with #Reviewer3 ...
Sam Cryer Mon Jul 27 11:59:27 +0000 2015 At least 3 synthetic steps are "fatal on contact with skin" but its for use in solar cells - so it's green chemistry #HonestChemTitles
OnlyTheGoodDiradical Mon Jul 27 11:55:40 +0000 2015 All Other Partial Atomic Charge Models Stink: Ours Is the Best. #HonestChemTitles (um, honest! And, now, #OA!!) CM5: http://t.co/09haJfvJqj
Daniel García Vivó Mon Jul 27 11:50:03 +0000 2015 I will add more referee's references in the paper if required to publish #HonestChemTitles
Daniel García Vivó Mon Jul 27 11:43:13 +0000 2015 I'm adding a ridiculous collection of hot topics to publish it in a high IF journal #HonestChemTitles
Michaela Ecker Mon Jul 27 11:43:12 +0000 2015 Enjoying reading #HonestChemTitles , its the same for all fields of science! How about a #HonestArchTitles?
OnlyTheGoodDiradical Mon Jul 27 11:40:33 +0000 2015 It May Be Witchcraft, But It's Freaking USEFUL Witchcraft, Innit? Die Jealous. #HonestChemTitles
David Foley Mon Jul 27 11:38:06 +0000 2015 @DDU_Dundee Method no. 10004567 for converting a cyano to an amide. Only a desperate PhD student will EVER use this #honestchemtitles
Ricardo Mon Jul 27 11:27:57 +0000 2015 By our method we were able to synthesize dozen of potentially bioactive compounds. Nobody's gonna test it anyway. #HonestChemTitles
Ricardo Mon Jul 27 11:24:53 +0000 2015 We have got an unexplainable wavelenght on emission spectra: so we call it novel ;D #HonestChemTitles
Robert Menzies PhD Mon Jul 27 11:19:04 +0000 2015 Groundbreaking &amp; Gamechanging. The Result That Will Rewrite Textbooks by Itself #HonestChemTitles - am I doing this wrong?
Matteo Cavalleri Mon Jul 27 11:18:37 +0000 2015 #HonestChemTitles are work of genius.
MedChemNet Mon Jul 27 11:18:24 +0000 2015 Really enjoying all the entries on the #HonestChemTitles hashtag!
Kate Hughes Mon Jul 27 11:16:50 +0000 2015 My new awesome technique shows that different materials on different surfaces give us different spectra. #HonestChemTitles
Matteo Cavalleri Mon Jul 27 11:14:51 +0000 2015 I need papers to graduate #HonestChemTitles
Jon Lam Mon Jul 27 10:48:18 +0000 2015 Reaction Gives Product in 99% ee But You'll Need a Ligand Only Nicolaou Can Make (and 50 mol% of it) #HonestChemTitles
Peter Kenny Mon Jul 27 10:45:48 +0000 2015 We know #LigandEfficiency is bollox but you need it to get a grant these days #HonestChemTitles
Jon Lam Mon Jul 27 10:37:30 +0000 2015 Super Fancy Chiral Rh-Complex Gives Product in 99% ee but Only 50% Yield (So Really, You're Better Off Doing a Resolution) #HonestChemTitles
Emilie Hall Mon Jul 27 10:22:55 +0000 2015 Utter genius #HonestChemTitles from @ChemProfCramer https://t.co/i8G8U0HMKo
Jamie Christie Mon Jul 27 10:20:17 +0000 2015 FQZZX1: A 38-Parameter Functional that Stretches the Meaning of "First-Principles" to its Limits. #HonestChemTitles
Peter Kenny Mon Jul 27 10:18:15 +0000 2015 A strong correlation was observed between pIC50 and ClogP after removal of a few 'obvious' outliers #HonestChemTitles
Carlos Toro Mon Jul 27 09:45:16 +0000 2015 @fxcoudert second statement has the merits to qualify for #honestchemtitles
Linkam Scientific Mon Jul 27 09:28:37 +0000 2015 Need something to cheer you up this Monday morning? Check out #HonestChemTitles
SuperScienceGrl Mon Jul 27 09:15:35 +0000 2015 Good luck replicating this one, we're chem engineers and basically just guessed at how to write an experimental SUCKAZZZ #HonestChemTitles
Drug Discovery Unit Mon Jul 27 09:14:51 +0000 2015 We love a bit of #frankscience! What are your favourite #HonestChemTitles (looking at you @medchemdave!) https://t.co/bJJ7FsqvgD
Dr Paul Coxon Mon Jul 27 09:04:00 +0000 2015 This Paper Has Nothing to do with Graphene but it's Here For SEO Purposes. Also Perovskite. #HonestChemTitles
RealTimeChem Mon Jul 27 08:41:23 +0000 2015 This weeks favourite hashtag outside #RealTimeChem has to be #HonestChemTitles <f0><U+009F><U+0098><U+0082>
Mark Ogden Mon Jul 27 07:57:09 +0000 2015 @anatmilo &amp; the sequel "We multiplied all the microns by 1000 and called it supra-nano, so we could publish in ACS Nano". #HonestChemTitles
Vittorio Saggiomo Mon Jul 27 06:42:18 +0000 2015 GRAPHENE in the title is only an acronym for "Gross Reaction And PHoto-Excitation and Nothing Else” #HonestChemTitles
Matthew MacLennan Mon Jul 27 05:52:57 +0000 2015 @AlexFGoldberg @Chemjobber such fun reading exceedingly concise and elegant tweets for #HonestChemTitles #thx
Noby Leong Mon Jul 27 05:50:52 +0000 2015 Synthesis of a macromolecule made exclusively using amide coupling reagents because none of us understand proper synthesis #HonestChemTitles
Jessica Hamilton Mon Jul 27 05:49:46 +0000 2015 Amusement of the day, loving #HonestChemTitles https://t.co/cqOPirZtV0
Matthew MacLennan Mon Jul 27 05:41:56 +0000 2015 SLEAZSY NMR: Sequence which Looks Exceedingly like Another and hopethatnoonerealiZes SpectroscopY #HonestChemTitles
Ramon van Belzen Mon Jul 27 05:12:21 +0000 2015 I know nothing will happen but I have to create some data #honestchemtitles
Vance Williams Mon Jul 27 05:06:01 +0000 2015 Sure it's boring, but I did it by click chemistry. #HonestChemTitles
Nadine Mon Jul 27 04:56:47 +0000 2015 Ok wait, let's make sure and measure it a 2nd, 3rd, 4th and a 5th time just to make sure. Bam! 5 papers! #HonestChemTitles
Nadine Mon Jul 27 04:55:46 +0000 2015 These guys measured this molecule in ambient air, look look so did we! #HonestChemTitles
Soumen Ghosh Mon Jul 27 04:36:54 +0000 2015 Don't have experimental evidences but calculated PES for this hypothetical rxn mechanism with our fav density functional. #HonestChemTitles
Susan Vickers Mon Jul 27 04:25:30 +0000 2015 Weve had nanobelts, nanoflowers, nanotrees...but these are nanocarrots! (if you tilt your head to the side &amp; squint a bit) #HonestChemTitles
Chase Thompson Mon Jul 27 04:24:53 +0000 2015 The Likelihood of Any of This Work Being Relevant Beyond This Publication is Basically Zero #HonestChemTitles
Nadine Mon Jul 27 04:24:09 +0000 2015 None of our particle precursors are the same, none are atmospherically relevant but let's discuss and compare #HonestChemTitles
Nadine Mon Jul 27 04:15:02 +0000 2015 And where it comes from will be follow up paper 1, what happens to it will be follow up paper 2 to 10 #HonestChemTitles
Nadine Mon Jul 27 04:12:53 +0000 2015 We measured this molecule here and there and over there, and thought you should know #HonestChemTitles
Nadine Mon Jul 27 04:10:19 +0000 2015 The instrument failed in the field so here's what the model predicts we should have seen #HonestChemTitles
Peter Kenny Mon Jul 27 02:47:52 +0000 2015 We have no idea how many parameters our Bayesian model uses and we've not disclosed the model so you won't either #HonestChemTitles
Peter Kenny Mon Jul 27 02:44:43 +0000 2015 Active compound was actually found using substructural searching but we'd spent 6 months building a homology model #HonestChemTitles
Daniel Singleton Mon Jul 27 02:42:03 +0000 2015 TUNNELING! Because people will still wet their pants over the 4000th paper on it. Did I mention we see tunneling? #HonestChemTitles
Peter Kenny Mon Jul 27 02:38:58 +0000 2015 Continuum solvent model is parameterized for HF/6-31G* but not using DFT is so uncool #HonestChemTitles
Daniel Singleton Mon Jul 27 02:37:10 +0000 2015 .@Free_Radical1 All my titles are based on a life's list of hated papers, mostly not my own. I could do 100's of these. #HonestChemTItles

Thursday 11 April 2019

Perfluorinated (and polyfluorinated) alkyl substances - PFAS

Here is the best list of perfluorinated (and polyfluorinated) alkyl compounds I could find on the internet: The US Environmental Protection Agency's master list called PFASMASTER. It is also downloadable.


Thursday 24 January 2019

Working lists - Substances of "lower" ecological concern

The following table was extracted from this file: http://www.ec.gc.ca/lcpe-cepa/AF2B4B54-A419-1BAE-DD4E-23AC1DB194C0/at-ta_epr-rs_eng.pdf

Many links in this table were defunct. I have done my best to patch up the links but I am still working on this table! Bear with me! Also it`s a bit crowded...
Information SourceDescription (Summary of the contextual information from the source)Interpretation / Significance
(OECD) High Production Volume (HPV)The OECD List of HPV Chemicals (LINK WORKS! portable document format (PDF), 1.10 megabytes [MB]) serves as the overall priority list from which chemicals are selected for Screening Information Data Set (SIDS) data gathering and testing and initial hazard assessment. The HPV list is compiled for substances which are produced or imported at levels ≥ 1000 tons per year in at least one Member country or in the European Union region.These international lists of high production volume (HPV) chemicals, particularly the United States (US) lists, are judged as important indicators of a substance potentially being in commerce in Canada in higher quantities.
ICCA HPVThe global chemical industry, through the International Council of Chemical Associations (ICCA), has undertaken to provide, as a first step, harmonized data sets on the intrinsic hazards of and initial hazard assessments for approximately 1000 HPV substances (LINK BROKEN Excel Spreadsheet, 284KB) by the end of 2004. The information will be submitted to the OECD for international agreement as part of its refocused HPV Chemicals Program.

Here is the working list: http://icca.cefic.org/ICCADocs/2000_07_01_ICCA_HPV_Working_List.pdf
Progress report: http://icca.cefic.org/ICCADocs/ICCA%20Progress%20Report.pdf
These international lists of high production volume (HPV) chemicals, particularly the United States (US) lists, are judged as important indicators of a substance potentially being in commerce in Canada in higher quantities.
The U.S. high production volume (HPV) chemicals are those which are manufactured in or imported into the United States at levels ≥ 1000000 pounds per year. The U.S. HPV chemicals were identified through information collected under the Toxic Substances Control Act (TSCA) Inventory Update Rule (IUR). Reporting these organic chemicals is required every four years, leading to four lists of substances:
These international lists of high production volume (HPV) chemicals, particularly the United States (US) lists, are judged as important indicators of a substance potentially being in commerce in Canada in higher quantities.
US Extended HPVA chemical industry initiative that broadens current work on US HPV chemicals. The companies are being asked to provide health and environmental information for 574 "new" HPV chemicals (PDF, 244KB) (LINK BROKEN) (which now meet the volume threshold according to the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)'s 2002 Inventory). The companies will be asked to provide also information on use and exposure for both the "Extended" HPV as well as the original "Challenge Program" substances.

These international lists of high production volume (HPV) chemicals, particularly the United States (US) lists, are judged as important indicators of a substance potentially being in commerce in Canada in higher quantities.
Japan HPVIn 2005 the Japan HPV Challenge Program was started in partnership between Japanese government agencies and the Japanese Chemical Industry Association (JCIA), to collect and make public information on the safety of Japan's HPV chemicals which are not yet subject to the assessment by existing international and national programs. The target chemicals are organic substances produced or imported in Japan over 1000 tons per year.

These international lists of high production volume (HPV) chemicals, particularly the United States (US) lists, are judged as important indicators of a substance potentially being in commerce in Canada in higher quantities.
Australia HPVNational Industrial Chemicals Notification and Assessment Scheme (NICNAS) have compiled a list of industrial chemicals (mixtures/products) that are manufactured and imported in Australia in quantities of ≥ 100 tonnes during 2001 and 2002. (LINK BROKEN) A number of categories were exempt (articles, radioactive, incidentally and naturally chemicals and polymers). National Industrial Chemicals Notification and Assessment Scheme (NICNAS) have compiled a list of industrial chemicals (mixtures/products) that are manufactured and imported in Australia in quantities of ≥ 100 tonnes during 2001 and 2002. A number of categories were exempt (articles, radioactive, incidentally and naturally chemicals and polymers).These international lists of high production volume (HPV) chemicals, particularly the United States (US) lists, are judged as important indicators of a substance potentially being in commerce in Canada in higher quantities.
Canadian Environmental Protection Act (CEPA) 1999 Pilot Project (Canada)A Pilot Project for screening assessments was initiated by Environment Canada and Health Canada in 2001. The project identified 123 substances which had the potential to meet the categorization criteria 1) for persistence and/or bioaccumulation and inherent toxicity to non-human organisms or 2) for high potential for exposure to Canadians. Additionally, a survey for all pilot substances was conducted in 2002 under authority of Section 71 of the Canadian Environmental Protection Act,1999 (CEPA, 1999), requiring all parties to report use, import or manufacture in Canada.These sources provide recent Canadian information that merits further evaluation. Information was collected under the authority of CEPA 1999, or in relation to activities conducted under it.
CEPA 1999 Section 71 Notices (Canada)Other notices under Section 71 of CEPA, 1999 require submission of data regarding the presence of listed substances in the Canadian market and associated industry sectors. Substances covered by these Notices are identified, through categorization of the Domestic Substances List (DSL), to have potential for hazard to the environment or human health or as representing greatest potential for human exposure; or as substances of emerging concern and international interest.These sources provide recent Canadian information that merits further evaluation. Information was collected under the authority of CEPA 1999, or in relation to activities conducted under it.
Categorization Industry Submission (Canada)Substances are included on this list if industry voluntarily provided data on the substance in support of categorization of the Domestic Substances List (DSL), or if industry mentioned that the substance was of interest to them. This list was compiled during categorization.These sources provide recent Canadian information that merits further evaluation. Information was collected under the authority of CEPA 1999, or in relation to activities conducted under it.
Toxic Substances Control Act - Inventory Update Rule (US)The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) promulgated a rule in 1986 for the partial updating of the Toxic Substances Control Act (TSCA) Chemical Inventory database (75 000 industrial chemicals currently produced or imported into the United States). Manufacturers and importers of chemicals already on the TSCA Inventory which are being produced at one plant site or imported at production volume levels of 10 000 or more pounds (changed to 25 000 pounds in 2006) must report, unless either their chemical is excluded from the Inventory Update Rule (IUR) or they fall under the Small Business exemption.These sources provide information on quantities of substances in commerce in other countries. Several include data from multiple years, which can indicate temporal trends in quantity of substances in commerce or in the number of uses.
Toxic Substances Control Act - 12(b) Export Notification (US)TSCA section 12(b) export notification requirements delineated at 40 CFR part 707, subpart D. It requires any person who exports or intends to export a chemical substance or mixture to notify the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) of such exportation if any of the cited actions have been taken under TSCA with respect to that chemical substance or mixture. Current list as of October 10, 2009 (PDF, 810KB).These sources provide information on quantities of substances in commerce in other countries. Several include data from multiple years, which can indicate temporal trends in quantity of substances in commerce or in the number of uses.
Chemical Industries Association List (United Kingdom [UK])In 2004 United Kingdom Chemical Industries Association (UK CIA) unveiled plans to develop a database of chemicals marketed in the UK. This database is the first output of that work and covers the previous calendar year 2005. This database involves pure chemical substances that were marketed in the UK by CIA member companies at greater than 1 ton per company during 2005.These sources provide information on quantities of substances in commerce in other countries. Several include data from multiple years, which can indicate temporal trends in quantity of substances in commerce or in the number of uses.
Research Institute for Fragrance MaterialsThe Research Institute for Fragrance Materials (RIFM) is an international organization that evaluates and distributes scientific data on the safety assessment of fragrance raw materials found in perfumes, cosmetics, shampoos, creams, detergents, air fresheners, candles and other personal and household products. RIFM's database (LINK FIXED!)contains information on chemical structure, quantity in commerce (0 to > 1 000 000 kilograms per year [kg/y]) and consumer exposure. This database is operated with the full cooperation of the Flavor and Extracts Manufacturing Association (FEMA) and is only available by subscription to RIFM and FEMA member.

UPDATE: It is also available to the public at a high price ($20,000 USD)
INFO on the DATABASE: https://www.rifm.org/uploads/Database%20Features%2003102016v2.pdf
These sources provide information on quantities of substances in commerce in other countries. Several include data from multiple years, which can indicate temporal trends in quantity of substances in commerce or in the number of uses.
SPIN database (Scandinavian countries)Substances in Preparations in Nordic Countries (SPIN) database ( contains information on products on the market reported to each of the Nordic products registers (data on amounts of substances and in number of products and sectors the substances are used in). It provides data on the use of chemical substances in Norway, Sweden, Denmark and Finland over the years 1999 to 2004.These sources provide information on quantities of substances in commerce in other countries. Several include data from multiple years, which can indicate temporal trends in quantity of substances in commerce or in the number of uses.
KEMI Index - surface water, air, soil, STP (Sweden)The Swedish Chemicals Inspectorate, KemI, is a supervisory authority under the Ministry of the Environment. KemI works in Sweden and in the European Union (EU) to promote legislation and rules which contribute to achieving a non-toxic environment. The KemI Index (LINK FIXED) provides knowledge and information about important environmental aspects when diffuse emissions from articles are a component in efforts to reduce chemical risks. This index is made up of seven categories with emission levels going from low to high.These sources provide information on quantities of substances in commerce in other countries. Several include data from multiple years, which can indicate temporal trends in quantity of substances in commerce or in the number of uses.
National Pollutant Release Inventory (NPRI) (Canada)National Pollutant Release Inventory (NPRI) (LINK WORKS!) provides information on releases of listed substances to air, water, land and underground injection and off-site transfers for disposal or recycling. The current list (2005) consists of 323 substances or groups of substances. The NPRI is the only legislated, nation-wide, publicly-accessible inventory of its type in Canada. One of the fundamental objectives of the NPRI is to provide Canadians with access to pollutant release information for facilities located in their communities.

List of substances on the NPRI: https://www.canada.ca/en/environment-climate-change/services/national-pollutant-release-inventory/substances-list/threshold.html

Download the data: https://www.canada.ca/en/environment-climate-change/services/national-pollutant-release-inventory/tools-resources-data/access.html
Presence of a substance on a pollutant release and transfer register (PRTR) demonstrates concern in at least some countries with the substance, as well as the existence of detailed information concerning it. The NPRI is particularly relevant, as it provides annual, Canada-specific data.
Toxics Release Inventory (US)The Toxics Release Inventory (TRI) is a publicly-available database that contains information on chemical emissions from almost 23 000 facilities in the United States. The TRI contains information from companies and government facilities that report their air, land, and water releases and other waste management activities. TRI also contains some information about source reduction efforts. The reporting thresholds for most chemicals are 25 000 pounds for manufacturing or processing and 10 000 pounds for other uses. Persistent bioaccumulative toxic (PBT) chemicals have reporting thresholds of 10 or 100 pounds except for the dioxin and dioxin-like compounds category that has a reporting threshold of 0.1g.Presence of a substance on a pollutant release and transfer register (PRTR) demonstrates concern in at least some countries with the substance, as well as the existence of detailed information concerning it. The NPRI is particularly relevant, as it provides annual, Canada-specific data.
National Pollutant Inventory (Australia)The National Pollutant Inventory is an Internet pollutant release and transfer register (PRTR) database that gives information on the types and amounts of pollutants being emitted to the environment. The reporting threshold is 10 tons (use).Presence of a substance on a pollutant release and transfer register (PRTR) demonstrates concern in at least some countries with the substance, as well as the existence of detailed information concerning it. The NPRI is particularly relevant, as it provides annual, Canada-specific data.
Pollutant Release & Transfer Register (Japan)Japan started its pollutant release and transfer register (PRTR) program in 2001. Reporting is done annually for any chemical that is “difficult to decompose, is bioaccumulative, and may be harmful to human health (Class I) or those which have low accumulation but do not readily decompose and may be harmful to human health when continually taken (Class II).Presence of a substance on a pollutant release and transfer register (PRTR) demonstrates concern in at least some countries with the substance, as well as the existence of detailed information concerning it. The NPRI is particularly relevant, as it provides annual, Canada-specific data.

Hazardous substances lists or substance profiles
Information SourceDescription (Summary of the contextual information from the source)Interpretation / Significance
CEPA 1999 Section 200
Environmental Emergencies List(Canada)
Section 200 of CEPA 1999 allows the federal government to establish a list of substances that, if they enter the environment as a result of environmental emergency (E2): a) have or may have an immediate or long-term harmful effect on the environment or its biological diversity b) constitutes or may constitute a danger to the environment on which human life depends, or c) constitutes or may constitute a danger in Canada to human life or health. An E2 plan would be required of all facilities that store or use any of these substances at or above specified threshold quantities.Substances on these lists have been identified through activities under CEPA as being of potential concern for the environment and/or human health in Canada.
Second Priority Substances List (PSL2) Nomination Dossiers
The PSL2 Information dossiers are documents that were prepared for substances nominated for PSL2. They contain: physicochemical data, environmental fate and behavior, toxicity, production and use in Canadian commerce, and release data. Data selected in the draft dossiers has been reviewed and selected based upon quality of the study and credibility of the source.Substances on these lists have been identified through activities under CEPA as being of potential concern for the environment and/or human health in Canada.
Forest Products Industry List (Canada)This list of substances on the DSL were identified by the Forest Products Section (Environment Canada) and the Forest Products Association of Canada (FPAC) as representing substances of potential interest to that sector.This list is judged relevant as it identifies substances that have been labeled as being of interest to this sector in Canada, but this does not imply that these substances are necessarily of particular ecological concern.
Accelerated Reduction/Elimination of Toxics (ARET) List (Canada)The concept of ARET was developed in the early 1990's as a challenge to Canadian industry to voluntarily reduce or eliminate releases of 117 substances found in the Great Lakes Basin. Substances were scored based on available toxicity, persistence and bioaccumulation data. This listing was meant to guide priorities and was not meant to imply that actual harm was being caused by these substances.Substances on these lists have been identified as being of potential concern for the environment and/or human health in the Great Lakes region.
Great Lakes 211 Air Toxics (Canada/US)The Great Lakes Commission is a binational agency that promotes the orderly, integrated and comprehensive development, use and conservation of the water and related natural resources of the Great Lakes basin and St. Lawrence River. This list includes compounds listed as Hazardous Air Pollutants (HAPs) within the 1990 Clean Air Act Amendments. It also includes several substances that have been identified as posing a potential threat to the Great Lakes ecosystem and human health within the region.Substances on these lists have been identified as being of potential concern for the environment and/or human health in the Great Lakes region.
Great Lakes Binational Toxics List (Canada/US)The Great Lakes Binational Toxics Strategy was developed by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and Environment Canada to implement the Revised Great Lakes Water Quality Agreement of 1978. The purpose of this binational strategy is to set forth a collaborative process by which Environment Canada and the United States Environmental Protection Agency, in consultation with other federal departments and agencies, Great Lakes states, the Province of Ontario, Tribes, and First Nations, work in cooperation with their public and private partners toward the goal of virtual elimination of persistent toxic substances resulting from human activity, particularly those which bioaccumulate, from the Great Lakes Basin. The strategy uses multiple screening criteria to identify substances that are present in the water, sediment, or aquatic biota of the Great Lakes system and that are exerting, singly or in synergistic or additive combinations, a toxic effect on aquatic, animal, or human life.Substances on these lists have been identified as being of potential concern for the environment and/or human health in the Great Lakes region.
NAPS (Canada)National Air Pollution Surveillance Network (NAPS) includes Semi-Volatile Organic Target List, Species Measured in Particulate Samples, and VOC (Volatile Organic Compound) Target List.Canadian environmental monitoring data is available for substances on these lists.
Environmental Technology Centre (ETC) Air Monitoring (Canada)This provides a list of chemicals monitored by Environment Canada’s Environmental Technology Centre.Canadian environmental monitoring data is available for substances on these lists.
Pest Control Products Act Registered Active Ingredients (Canada)Pesticides imported into, or sold or used in Canada are regulated federally under the Pest Control Products Act (PCP Act) and Regulations.Substances on these lists have recognized toxic properties as they are used as pesticides. Although pesticides and their uses are not covered under CEPA, non-pesticidal uses of the substances do fall under the Act.
Banned or Severely Restricted Pesticides (US)The U.S. EPA maintains the list of banned or severely restricted pesticides as part of its participation in a voluntary international program known as the Prior Informed Consent (PIC) procedure.Substances on these lists have recognized toxic properties as they are used as pesticides. Although pesticides and their uses are not covered under CEPA, non-pesticidal uses of the substances do fall under the Act.
United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP)/FAO/
World Health Organization (WHO) Inchem Pesticide Classification
(United Nations)
The classification distinguishes between the more and the less hazardous forms of each pesticide in that it is based on the toxicity of the technical compound and on its formulations. The classification is based primarily on the acute oral and dermal toxicity to the rat since these determinations are standard procedures in toxicology.Substances on these lists have recognized toxic properties as they are used as pesticides. Although pesticides and their uses are not covered under CEPA, non-pesticidal uses of the substances do fall under the Act.
Persistent bioaccumulative toxic chemicals (PBT) List (US)The U.S. EPA maintains a list of PBT chemicals to identify chemicals and chemical categories which may be found in hazardous wastes regulated under the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA).Substances on these lists have been identified as being of concern for the environment and/or human health in other countries.
Air Toxics / Hot Spots Chemicals (California)California's Air Toxics "Hot Spots" Information and Assessment Act of 1987 (AB 2588) requires the California Air Resources Board (CARB) to compile and maintain a list of substances that pose chronic or acute threats to public health when present in the air. (PDF, 73KB)Substances on these lists have been identified as being of concern for the environment and/or human health in other countries.
Clean Water Act Priority Pollutants (US)Section 307 of the U.S. federal Clean Water Act (CWA), defines a list of priority pollutants for which the U.S. EPA must establish ambient water quality criteria and effluent limitations. Decisions to expand the list must take into account the toxicity, persistence, and degradability of the pollutant; the potential presence and the importance of affected organisms in any waters; and the nature and extent of the effect of the toxic pollutant on such organisms.Substances on these lists have been identified as being of concern for the environment and/or human health in other countries.
Superfund Site Chemicals (US)The Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation, and Liability Act (CERCLA) created the Superfund Program to clean up uncontrolled or abandoned hazardous-waste sites and to respond to accidents, spills, and other emergency releases of pollutants and contaminants. Section 101 defines a list of hazardous chemicals (PDF, 804KB) for which the U.S. EPA must establish regulations.Substances on these lists have been identified as being of concern for the environment and/or human health in other countries.
Hazardous Constituents Under RCRA (US)The Hazardous Constituents list (Appendix VIII) of the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA) is used to identify the universe of chemicals of concern under RCRA, the primary environmental law governing the proper disposal of hazardous wastes.Substances on these lists have been identified as being of concern for the environment and/or human health in other countries.
Nordic Council List of Chemicals Hazardous to Environment (EU)The European Economic Community first created a List of Dangerous Substances in 1967, classifying substances according to health hazards and physico-chemical properties. The list has subsequently been expanded, and the Nordic Council of Ministers conducted a special project to review available toxicity data in order to identify substances that should be classified as dangerous to the environment.Substances on these lists have been identified as being of concern for the environment and/or human health in other countries.
OSPAR List (EU)The Convention for the Protection of the Marine Environment of the North-East Atlantic was opened for signature at the Ministerial Meeting of the Oslo and Paris Commissions. The OSPAR List of Substances of Possible Concern is a dynamic working list and is regularly revised, as new information becomes available. This may lead to deletion of some substances on the current version of the OSPAR List of Substances of Possible Concern and to the addition of other substances if data on persistence, toxicity, ability to bioaccumulate, etc., show that they should be added.Substances on these lists have been identified as being of concern for the environment and/or human health in other countries.
Priority Substances List (EU)Article 8 of the Regulation states that the Commission, in consultation with the Member States of the European Union, will regularly draw up lists of priority substances (http://ecb.jrc.ec.europa.eu/existing-chemicals/) which require immediate attention because of their potential effects to man or the environment. The Commission and Member States utilize the information collection during step 1 of the regulation as a basis for selecting priority substances.Substances on these lists have been identified as being of concern for the environment and/or human health in other countries.
Toxic Chemicals List (China)This is a list of toxic chemicals banned or severely restricted in the People's Republic of China.Substances on these lists have been identified as being of concern for the environment and/or human health in other countries.
PIC List (United Nations)In 1989, the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) of the United Nations and the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) introduced provisions for Prior Informed Consent (PIC) procedures for banned or severely restricted chemicals in international trade. The purpose of the provisions was to protect countries from importing chemicals that have been banned or severely restricted for health or environmental reasons.The PIC list is used as a mechanism to identify substances that are prohibited or substantially restricted in other jurisdictions, the basis of which must be reviewed as required under section 75 of CEPA 1999.
Camford Product Information Profiles (Canada)Each chemical process industries (Camford Product Information (CPI)) profile is a handy market study covering a single chemical product. In a few pages, it provides the key information needed for effective marketing - data for the most recent five years and a three-year forecast.These sources may contain information about production, uses, releases, exposure and hazard. The fact that a chemical is included in these sources does not necessarily indicate that it is of ecological concern.
BUA Reports (DE)Comprehensive chemical monographs are published on chemicals suspected of having a hazardous potential. The BUA Reports serve the German federal government as a basis for measures to regulate environmental and health hazards. The reports present Information on physico/chemical properties, toxicity, environmental fate, etc.These sources may contain information about production, uses, releases, exposure and hazard. The fact that a chemical is included in these sources does not necessarily indicate that it is of ecological concern.
United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) Environmental Health Criteria (EHC) (United Nations)The International Program on Chemical Safety publishes EHC Documents on many industrial chemicals. The reports offer a comprehensive information source for: physicochemical data, environmental fate and behavior, environmental releases and concentrations, production and usage, aquatic, terrestrial and human toxicity (both acute and chronic), as well as further action/measures, if necessary, needed to mitigate harm caused by the substance.These sources may contain information about production, uses, releases, exposure and hazard. The fact that a chemical is included in these sources does not necessarily indicate that it is of ecological concern.
RAIS Tox Profile
The Risk Assessment Information System (RAIS) toxicity profiles in this database were developed using information taken from the United States Environmental Protection Agency's Integrated Risk Information System (IRIS) and Health Effects Assessment Summary Tables (HEAST) and other regulatory sources.These sources may contain information about production, uses, releases, exposure and hazard. The fact that a chemical is included in these sources does not necessarily indicate that it is of ecological concern.
Toxicity studies are submitted by U.S. industry to EPAunder several sections of the Toxic Substances Control Act (TSCA - TS or Test Submission). The database contains non-confidential studies covering chemical testing results and adverse effects of chemicals on health and ecological systems.These sources may contain information about production, uses, releases, exposure and hazard. The fact that a chemical is included in these sources does not necessarily indicate that it is of ecological concern.
Right-to know fact sheets (New Jersey)Hazardous Substance Fact Sheets are prepared for substances listed on the New Jersey Right to Know Hazardous Substance List. The Fact Sheets are prepared on pure substances and contain information on health hazards, exposure limits, personal protective equipment, proper handling, first aid, and emergency procedures for fires and spills.These sources may contain information about production, uses, releases, exposure and hazard. The fact that a chemical is included in these sources does not necessarily indicate that it is of ecological concern.

Miscellaneous properties and hazard databases
Information SourceDescription (Summary of the contextual information from the source)Interpretation / Significance
HSDB Record (US)HSDB (Hazardous Substances Data Bank) is a Toxicology Data File on the National Library of Medicine's (NLM) TOXNET® system. It focuses on the toxicology of potentially hazardous chemicals. The HSDB records represent a comprehensive data peer reviewed information source. It is enhanced with information on human exposure, industrial hygiene, emergency handling procedures, environmental fate, regulatory requirements, and related areas.These sources may contain information about physical-chemical and hazard properties. Availability of such data does not mean that a listed substance is of concern. However, such data is generally only produced for substances of higher commercial interest or of ecological or human concern.
NTP Reports / Studies (US)The National Toxicology Program (NTP) was established in 1978 by the Secretary of Health and Human Services to coordinate toxicology research and testing activities within the Department, to provide information about potentially toxic chemicals to regulatory and research agencies and the public, and to strengthen the science base in toxicology.These sources may contain information about physical-chemical and hazard properties. Availability of such data does not mean that a listed substance is of concern. However, such data is generally only produced for substances of higher commercial interest or of ecological or human concern.
International Uniform Chemical Information Database (IUCLID)
IUCLID is the basic tool for data collection and evaluation within the EU-Risk Assessment Programme. In October 1999, IUCLID was accepted by the OECD as the data exchange tool under the OECD Existing Chemicals Programme. The data structure has been designed to describe the effects of substances on human health and the environment, in close collaboration between Member States, Industry and the European Chemicals Bureau (ECB).These sources may contain information about physical-chemical and hazard properties. Availability of such data does not mean that a listed substance is of concern. However, such data is generally only produced for substances of higher commercial interest or of ecological or human concern.
AQUIRE (Aquatic Toxicity Information Retrieval) is part of the US EPA's ECOTOX database. The AQUIRE database was established in 1981 by the United States Environmental Protection Agency (US EPA), Mid-Continent Ecology Division, Duluth, MN. Scientific papers published both nationally and internationally on the toxic effects of chemicals to aquatic organisms and plants are collected and reviewed for AQUIRE. Lethal, sublethal and bioconcentration effects are recorded for freshwater and marine organisms.These sources may contain information about physical-chemical and hazard properties. Availability of such data does not mean that a listed substance is of concern. However, such data is generally only produced for substances of higher commercial interest or of ecological or human concern.
TERRETOX (US)TERRETOX is part of the US EPA's ECOTOX database. TERRETOX is a terrestrial wildlife toxicity database established to provide data linking quantified chemical exposures with observed toxic effects. TERRETOX includes results for lethal, sublethal and bioaccumulation effects.These sources may contain information about physical-chemical and hazard properties. Availability of such data does not mean that a listed substance is of concern. However, such data is generally only produced for substances of higher commercial interest or of ecological or human concern.
PHYTOTOX (US)PHYTOTOX is part of the US EPA's ECOTOX database. The PHYTOTOX database is a computerized information resource that permits the rapid retrieval and comparison of data pertaining to lethal and sublethal responses, excluding residue effects, of terrestrial plants to the application of chemicals. Both natural and synthetic organic compounds administered to native, crop, or weed species have been considered.These sources may contain information about physical-chemical and hazard properties. Availability of such data does not mean that a listed substance is of concern. However, such data is generally only produced for substances of higher commercial interest or of ecological or human concern.
ChemFate - Syracuse Research Corporation (US)ChemFate is Syracuse Research Corporation’s Chemical fate Database. ChemFate is a data value file containing 25 categories of environmental fate and physical/chemical property information on commercially important chemical compounds. Actual experimental values are abstracted and retained in the file.These sources may contain information about physical-chemical and hazard properties. Availability of such data does not mean that a listed substance is of concern. However, such data is generally only produced for substances of higher commercial interest or of ecological or human concern.
Datalog - Syracuse Research Corporation (US)DATALOG is a bibliographic file indexed by Chemical Abstract Service (CAS) Registry number that contains eighteen types of environmental fate data. Data is indexed by such fields as: octanol-water partition coefficient, Henry’s Law Constant, hydrolysis, biodegradation, bioaccumulation, water solubility, vapour pressure, and effluent concentrations.These sources may contain information about physical-chemical and hazard properties. Availability of such data does not mean that a listed substance is of concern. However, such data is generally only produced for substances of higher commercial interest or of ecological or human concern.
CESARS - Ontario Database (CA/US)CESARS (Chemical Evaluation Search and Retrieval System) is provided by the Michigan Department of Natural Resources and the Ontario Ministry of the Environment. The database contains comprehensive environmental and health information on chemicals. Each record consists of chemical identification information and provides descriptive data on up to 23 topic areas, ranging from chemical properties to toxicity to environmental transport and fate.These sources may contain information about physical-chemical and hazard properties. Availability of such data does not mean that a listed substance is of concern. However, such data is generally only produced for substances of higher commercial interest or of ecological or human concern.